A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

I woke up one morning during the 2000s in a sunny town by the ocean. There was a laptop by my side and this came up before lunchtime.

This is an endless game with no fail condition (unless you count integer overflow as a failure). Fling pigs and cows into the score balloons, rack up combos and watch as the clouds and days go by. Alternatively, just watch the clouds and days go by in the title screen.

I cannot find the development libraries for SDL1.2 image and mixer for mingw32 so sorry, no Windows build. The game has been ported to SDL2, so Windows builds can be done now.

Written in C++ and SDL1.2. SDL2 Fetch the source at https://github.com/TheMarlboroMan/pigs-n-cows


Pigs_and_Cows-x86_64.AppImage 5.7 MB
pigs-n-cows-win.zip 6 MB

Install instructions

Linux users: this is an AppImage, meaning you only need to make it executable and run it. The file contains everything this game needs to run (nasty library dependencies included!). Learn more about AppImages at https://appimage.org/

Windows users: unzip and execute the only executable in the folder. That's it.

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